AM Bid January 2021 Newsletter

Welcome to our January Newsletter

Hope you and yours are keeping safe and well in these strange times. 2021 has ushered in new post-Brexit tender contract notice arrangements for the UK public sector. Opportunities are now advertised via with devolved administration opportunities also available via their own procurement websites. We are seeing a busy start to the year with many of our clients letting us know about some of the main opportunities coming up in 2021 that they would like to book our services for. AM Bid were thrilled with the recognition we received from APMP UK at the profession’s 2020 Awards in December – with David Gray, our Managing Director, winning the Outstanding Leadership Award and our also making the final three for Contribution to the Profession and Bid Excellence. Like everyone, we hope that 2021 sees the virus no longer looming large over all of our lives and that we will have opportunities to meet in person again, when safe to do so.

Best wishes, 
Andrew Morrison
Founder & BD Director

21 Public Sector Bid Trends for 2021

2020 has been a year like no other; so what’s in store in the world of public sector bidding in 2021? What will be changing in our ‘new normal’? What steps can bidders take to ensure that they are prepared for the year ahead?

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Understanding the Buyer to Improve Your Bid Win Rates

Thinking about the buyer’s aims when you respond to a tender opportunity will increase your win rates. Directly addressing their objectives, whether stated in the tender documents or not, will help your proposal stand out from the crowd.

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To Create a Better Bid … Put Yourself in Their Shoes!

You’re spending a lot of time and putting considerable thought into that significant, personalised bid. You’ve honed in on your USP, what only you can offer that others can’t, and you’re thinking about how to articulate it.

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Prestigious Double for UK Bid Specialist

Scotland’s largest bid and tender specialists, AM Bid (active across the UK and Ireland), is celebrating a prestigious double for managing director David Gray.

The Association of Proposal Management Professionals (APMP) UK has recognised David as one of the profession’s top leaders with the 2020 APMP UK Outstanding Leadership Award.

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For bid enquiries or more information please contact Gavin Cowan, Client Account Executive on 07891 527268 or by email at 

AM Bid consistently achieves an 80%+ bid win rate while working on over 130 bids every year across 25+ sectors. 

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