
Six reasons why there’s never been a better time for SMEs to bid on public contracts

Over £250 billion in public sector contracts is tendered out annually across the UK. These contracts represent major opportunities for businesses to win contracts with a guaranteed income stream from reliable customers. However, if you’re thinking that public sector buyers will only be interested in working with large scale providers, think again! There’s never been a better time for SMEs

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The eight bid trends for 2018

Whilst 2017 has seen some changes in what is important to buyers, 2018 looks like a period of greater flux. Successful bidders will have to navigate their way through some big issues, some or all of which will impact their bidding activity and success rates. Here’s Managing Director Andrew Morrison’s predictions on trends for next year: 1. Brexit – the

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5 Ways to Save Time During a Bid

When it comes to bidding, as soon as the client issues the documents, the clock is ticking. It’s now over to the bidder to ensure that the time available is optimised for the benefit of your submission. In other words, every minute, every hour and every day counts. We’ve put together this handy list of 5 proven ways in which

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7 Steps Clients Can Take to Attract Quality Bids

Smart clients are taking steps to ensure they attract a sufficient number of quality bids. Conversely, if clients adopt a “We’re the client; we set the rules; and bidders will just have to conform to what we want” they risk alienating bidders. When this happens, usually a lower number of bids are received – or even no bids at all.

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How to Beat Bid Fear

Picture this…you spot a tender online which is perfect for your business to bid for. You’ve worked in the sector you specialise in for many years, so you’re confident your business can deliver the client’s requirements. With not a moment to lose (as time is of the essence when it comes to bids) you download the documents, and then get

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3 top tips on bringing Social Value / Community Benefits to life in your bid

When it comes to bidding for contracts with the public sector, there is now substantial emphasis on Social Value / Community Benefits. Bidders need to demonstrate that they are good corporate citizens in the local areas they operate in. For some business owners, the terms Social Value / Community Benefits can be mystifying. However, when simply asked – What does

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Bidding for Social Housing Contracts? 10 points to ponder

To succeed when bidding for social housing maintenance contracts, tenderers need to demonstrate that they truly understand: the sector, the client, the residents and the communities in which they work.  If you can show good knowledge and empathy with the points below, you will find your tender evaluation scores starting to move northwards. 1. Context Show you get the context your client is working

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Dispelling 7 Myths about Pre Qualification Questionnaires (PQQs)

Pre Qualification Questionnaires (PQQs) have been through some changes in recent years. So, it’s worth dispelling some common myths and misconceptions around PQQs in the bid process. 1. It’s just a tick box exercise with a bit of cut and paste. Whilst this approach may have got you through some PQQs 10 years ago, it is completely the wrong perspective

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How can you get ahead of the bid process?

Organisations that have a track record of delivering winning bids usually do not wait to start their work on a bid until the PQQ or Tender first appears. Has the client issued a Prior Information Notice (PIN)? This will contain some useful information and possibly a contact for further questions. It is well worth calling this contact to seek some

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