
Writing Winning Award Submissions

Business Awards provide an excellent opportunity for an organisation to gain sectoral and professional recognition for their work and achievements. Why apply for business awards? There are many reasons why organisations should apply for Business Awards. These include: Greater brand recognition – within each stage of an Award the business is promoted by the awarding body. An example would be

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Data-Driven Decision Making

With an ever increasing amount of data being generated across the globe every second it is not surprising that data has become incredibly valuable and is being harnessed to shape the future. Data is rapidly becoming a business’s greatest asset but how can it drive decision making? This challenge needs to be met as your client’s customer experience, competitive advantage

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Changes to the Domestic Heating Market

The government’s push to drive heating toward more sustainable energy sources and away from fossil fuels, will undoubtedly revolutionise heating systems in the future. With no gas boilers to be installed in new homes after 2025, and many existing homes to be retrofitted, we face significant changes and potential skills shortages. Landlords also need to prepare now for 2028 when

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How Can a Marketing Plan Help You Win Bids?

A successful business is one that knows who they are, where they are going and how they are going to get there. Not all businesses have a core vision driving them and day-to-day delivery can get in the way of having the time and clarity to plan for the future. It is crucial to take the time to step away from your

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Winning Bids in the Telecoms Sector

The last 20 years have seen much change in the Telecoms sector with professional buyers having increased insight, expectations and sophistication. Technology trends have driven digitisation and an increased use of portals for bidding. Increasing convergence of Telecoms and broadcasting infrastructure has led to nationwide solutions rather than customised local networks. Corporations have merged and government departments have amalgamated to

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Losing Bids on Price? How to Reverse the Trend

If your business is regularly losing bids because of price, we’ve got 12 Top Tips to help you reverse that trend: 1. Understand the market price for your goods or service. Before you submit your bid, make sure you have taken the estimated contract value on the tender notice into account. If your own costs are at odds with those

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Frameworks – To Bid or Not to Bid?

Public sector buyers often use Frameworks to select a short-list of pre-agreed suppliers. The organisations using that Framework (who might range from a single entity such as the NHS, to a large selection of buyers in a particular sector) then commit to obtaining those services from the ‘approved’ suppliers on the Framework. Frameworks: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly:

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Tender Clarification Questions – Getting the Tactical Edge!

Clarification Questions (CQs) are a fundamental part of professionally managed procurements and frequently the only way to engage in a dialogue with the buyer once the tender has been published. As with any seller to buyer conversation, especially one where everyone gets to see a transcript of what has been said, it is worth being very clear about what you

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6 Reasons Why You Should Consider Bidding to the Public Sector

The private sector has experienced a marked decline in the release of contracts and initiation of projects due to the uncertainty caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. Contractors feeling these effects must identify more consistent and guaranteed sources of revenue if they are to operate and grow in the Covid-19 era. Pivoting to deliver public sector contracts will support organisations of

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How to Bid and Win in the COVID-19 Era

Following a sharp decline in tender activity during March and April 2020, we are now seeing the return of opportunities to bid for contracts. However, bidders need to take account of the changed environment that we are all in (the “new normal”), especially when the virus clearly has some way to run. In this article, I will briefly outline 13

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