
22 Bid Trends for 2022

As more businesses look to bid for new contracts both in the UK and further afield, bid experts, Andrew Morrison and David Gray, directors at AM Bid, have compiled a list of 22 bid trends for the new year: Covid-19 & Business Resilience: 2022 will be the 3rd calendar year where Covid-19 will loomed large. We are all learning to

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Winning Facilities Management Bids – Part 1

Facilities Management (FM) involves the management of facilities (i.e. looking after other people’s buildings, properties or estates) and is a significant business sector within the UK. A recent estimate shows that the total market for FM within the UK is about £117 billion per annum – with a fairly even split between the public and public sectors. In this two-part

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Embedding Purpose, Vision and Values in Your Business

Many businesses currently have access to support to scale up through new investments. However, what is often lacking is the support for professional services who want to scale up sustainably. Tricres, a company which works with founders and executives to identify what their businesses are missing, share that they often discover a lack of purpose, vision and values from their

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Introducing PAGABO Frameworks

PAGABO is a specialist framework organisation building and managing modern, innovative framework agreements for a range of UK clients. As a preferred supplier to PAGABO, AM Bid takes a deep dive into what PAGABO offers and their views on various topical issues in the industry. PAGABO offerings PAGABO currently have nine framework agreements (focusing on mainly construction, built environment, facilities

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Construction Consultancy in the 2020s

The past 18 months have seen incredible changes within the construction industry. Brexit, Covid and other significant issues have resulted in fundamental changes in virtually every aspect of the industry, resulting in great uncertainty for companies wishing to survive and be successful. In this article, we will explore the world of construction consultancy and deep dive into some of the

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Developing as a Bid Professional

Working in the bidding industry is a rather curious affair. Up until relatively recently, bidding and tendering was never historically viewed as a specialism in its own right, with the vast majority of current professionals falling into bid roles from other professions. Without any industry defined career paths or skills development plans, this has regrettably contributed to a twin effect

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Leading Remote Working Teams

Working from home has been the new norm over the past 18 months as businesses have adapted to the pandemic. Many organisations that required the typical 5 days in the office no longer find this to be necessary. Hybrid models are being introduced which are giving employees more flexibility. Given this, there will still be situations where employees are required

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Successful Local Government Bidding

In the UK, local governments award contracts of over £100 billion every year. They will not be going out of business and they always pay their bill. This makes the public sector an appealing customer so we will consider how you can win local government contracts. What They Offer If your organisation is looking for business growth opportunities in public

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5 Ways to Resource Your Bids During Holiday Seasons

Holiday periods can provide some headaches for bidders. Who will write and manage your bids when key staff are on holiday? We provide 5 helpful suggestions below for bidders below: 1. Always keep a documented pipeline of the bidding and tender opportunities that you are anticipating and when you are expecting to see these come to the market. This doesn’t

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What to Look for When Recruiting Bid Staff

Winning tenders, bids and proposals is a core part of maintaining the stability and growth of many businesses and having the right people in place to deliver this success is crucial. Bid writing can be a niche profession, so what do you look for to ensure you are recruiting the right people with the skills and attributes required to build

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