
Building Brands Through Storytelling

Telling your story well and standing out from your competitors is key to successful bidding. Most of us make decisions primarily based on emotion and instincts rather than making a cold, logical decision every time we do something. The best way to make this emotional connection is through telling your stories well, and this is also true when it comes

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What Lessons Have We Learned from the COVID-19 Pandemic?

We have all just lived through one of the biggest periods of change in our lifetimes, both personally and professionally. It has changed our priorities, our mindsets, our behaviours and our attitudes. From a business perspective we have had to make a wide range of fast and crucial unplanned decisions reacting to the changing situation. We have faced challenges and

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Bid Qualification: How to identify the bids you are most likely to win

Deciding whether to bid or not is an important consideration when aiming for bidding success. David Gray, our Managing Director, discusses the questions you should ask yourself when considering whether to bid for a new business opportunity, and how to identify the opportunities with the highest probability of success. Can you deliver it (and prove it)? It is clearly very

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Mental Health and Wellbeing at Work

Mental health awareness and wellbeing at work are more important now than ever. Ensuring employees have open dialogue with their employers around mental health issues is imperative. The past 2 years have thrown up a number of challenges for employees, none more so than the changing work environment. In this article, we discuss signs to look out for, stigmas around

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5 quick wins to improve your bids

What quick changes can you make to enhance your bid output and improve your win probability? Our Managing Director, David Gray, shares his 5 top tips: 1. Start with strategy Before any Bid Writing is done, you should schedule a meaningful Bid Kick Off workshop with the key stakeholders involved in the tender process. Use the workshop to discuss and

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SMEs warned to ready themselves for public procurement changes

SMEs need to prepare now for the UK government’s anticipated move from Most Economically Advantageous Tender to Most Advantageous Tender evaluations, to avoid missing out to larger businesses on their share of the £290bn the public sector spends annually. The move, outlined in the government’s response to the Transforming Public Procurement Green Paper, would allow elements other than cost to

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Inclusive Recruitment in the 2020s

Recruiting staff from a diverse range of backgrounds through inclusive recruitment creates a strong, skilled and loyal workforce, and has a proven track record of delivering results. Why consider inclusive recruitment as an employer? Finding talent outside the perceived ‘best fit’ enables employers to reach those who have all the right skills, but do not have the usual access to

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Up-Scale Your Marketing

There is no shortage of digital marketing options available to businesses today, all offering the potential to increase your website and social media traffic and create meaningful engagement with your target audience. These include: Social media – creating organic growth using engaging content across multiple channels to bring people to your brand. Paid advertising – reaching out to new audiences

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Winning Work in Singapore – Interview with Fraser Morrison, 1000Steps

We caught up with Fraser Morrison, SBN Ambassador for Singapore, to discuss his experiences and advice on winning work in Singapore. Fraser provides some fascinating insights on life in Singapore as well as work-winning tips on sales optimisation. Tell us a bit about yourself and your background. I run a company called 1000Steps, a sales optimisation business, based in Singapore

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10 key considerations for public sector bidding success in 2022

The UK public sector tenders out more than £290 billion annually on buying goods and services, and in 2022 aims to increase the SME share by 21%, from £76 billion to more than £96 billion. However, research shows that less than half (46%) of UK SMEs are currently successfully bidding for public sector contracts. With this in mind, Andrew Morrison,

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