
£375m 4-year Construction Works Framework

Published date – Wednesday 11th January 2023
Deadline date – Thursday 9th March 2023 at 1pm

Buyer Overview

The Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea (RBKC) is an inner London Borough situated in the northwest of the capital and has boundaries with the London Borough of Westminster, Hammersmith & Fulham and Brent. It is the smallest Borough geographically in London.

In March 2018, RBKC took over the management of its homes from Kensington and Chelsea Tenant Management Organisation. In April 2019, RBKC took over direct control of the housing repairs and maintenance services from “Repairs Direct”. RBKC now delivers this service through its own in-house resources with support from external contractors.

RBKC is the third most densely populated borough in London which brings challenges around traffic congestion, air pollution, noise nuisance and housing.

The Borough is the most expensive place to buy a house in the country with affordable and social housing in short supply. Approximately 23,000 households live in social housing, with 20,000 renting privately and 30,000 households owning their own home. There are significant areas of deprivation in the North and the Southwest of the Borough.

RBKC currently manages 9,000 homes (6,500 tenants and 2,500 leaseholders) which are made up of 580 blocks, of which 20 are 10 storeys or more. 2,000 households are supported housing living in temporary accommodation as well as residential social care provisions.

After the Grenfell Tragedy of 14 June 2017, RBKC has worked closely with the community and consulted with residents on their priorities, the challenges and opportunities the Borough faces and how to plan for the coming years. We have committed to involving our residents in the procurement of the Works.

Opportunity Overview

RBKC wishes to appoint a number of contractors across four (4) Lots to deliver a range of construction related works to its property portfolio. The intention is to enter into the Framework agreement to start in the autumn of 2023 for a period of four years with an option to extend of up to two further years up to a maximum duration of six years.

The scope of Works to be delivered under the Framework Agreement will be construction works including planned maintenance, refurbishment and improvement works, provision of new installs, repair, replacement, removal, and / or overhaul including but not limited to the following types of works:

  • Roof covering main and secondary
  • High level works – parapets, chimneys, tank rooms, skylights, fascias & soffits access & handrails
  • Roof voids – structural timbers, sarking felt, insulation, fire breaks, lighting, access
  • Rain water goods – roof outlets, gutters, downpipes
  • Gullies (to balconies / walkways), ground gully
  • Windows – UPVC or unpainted metal, crittal, timber
  • External facade repairs – brickwork, concrete, render, infill panels
  • External facade fittings – vents, satellite dishes & aerials, cables, flues & other service penetrations, lightning protection and conductors
  • Structural works – walkway / external balcony supports, subsidence / movement
  • Demolition, groundworks and drainage
  • External wall insulation – cavity wall insulation, and other thermal insulation
  • External decorations – painting of masonry surfaces (e.g. concrete, brick, render), painting to metal surfaces e.g. railings, grills, painting to timber surfaces. handrails but excluding timber windows
  • Canopies and porches – e.g. over top level walkways / balconies, porches to entrance, Private Balconies – projecting, roof/inset
  • Shared Walkways – projecting, roof/inset, Temporary Access
  • Fire Safety works – communal doors, front entrance doors, signage, fire-stopping, smoke ventilation and other ventilation systems, bin chutes, sprinklers
  • Internal communal decorations – decorations to walls and ceilings, stairs and coverings, handrails, floor coverings
  • Works to the grounds
  • External structures e.g. pram shed, bin stores, garages, hard surfaces, metal railings and gates, walls to the grounds, retaining walls, fencing, pathway/parking bitumen/slabs resurfacing; bin rooms
  • Kitchen and bathrooms
  • Reception areas
  • Heating replacement
  • Electrical rewires and upgrades
  • Communal heating and water
  • Communal lighting and electrics
  • Any other associated mechanical and electrical works.
  • Design services relating to any of the above works
  • Any associated enabling works
  • Provision of access platforms, scaffolding etc.


The opportunity will be split into the following lots:

  • Lot 1 – projects up to £500k
  • Lot 2 – projects over £500k and up to £2m
  • Lot 3 – projects over £2m and up to £5m
  • Lot 4 – projects over £5m


For specialist bidding / bid writing assistance for this opportunity, please contact AM Bid on 0800 043 0495 or email:

Contract Notice available at: RBKC Opportunity