
Inclusive Recruitment in the 2020s

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Recruiting staff from a diverse range of backgrounds through inclusive recruitment creates a strong, skilled and loyal workforce, and has a proven track record of delivering results.

Why consider inclusive recruitment as an employer?

Finding talent outside the perceived ‘best fit’ enables employers to reach those who have all the right skills, but do not have the usual access to recruitment processes.

There are many groups that are underrepresented in the UK. Those with disabilities continue to have the lowest employment rate, followed by minority ethnic groups, women and older people. Other factors can also become a hurdle and need addressed, e.g., returners to work with career gaps in their CV or those that have no fixed address or bank account details.

Diversity within the workforce has real benefits including fresh and innovative thinking, a loyal workforce and increased output, while enhancing the overall business reputation.

What does it offer Jobseekers?

Jobseekers are able to proceed through a recruitment process that is fair and negates factors such as economic background, ethnicity, or disabilities. They are looking to work for companies that show them respect, recognise their skills and experience, while offering the support, training and flexibility needed. Often an indication of this comes from the brand personality, evidence of inclusivity, support of the local community and awareness of social and environmental issues.

Considerations when recruiting

While it is essential to find someone for the role available; it is also worth considering the balance of the immediate need to hit the ground running vs. the longer-term potential, even if additional support is required.

When recruiting those with little workplace experience, employers need to look for core skills that can be used flexibly throughout the business as a foundation for developing high-performing employees who are loyal to the organisation.

There are also a few key areas to consider around the job specification, from the tone of the language used in the copy, to the languages it is available in. The specifications are another area that can be reviewed to offer more flexibility, e.g., is a degree is essential or can candidates illustrate equivalent skills and experience?

Generational trends

Those in Generation Z are often looking for an employer that listen to their needs and supports their work/life balance. They are not only interested in the job, but also what the brand stands for and how they can be part of that story. Many are typically seeking career development but also attractive lifestyle benefits as part of their package.

Some millennials tend to ‘hop around’, looking for new opportunities, while at the same time needing job security. Employers should not be put off by this, as they are often highly focused on delivering within their role and achieving strong results. Typically, they are looking for organisations that offer them a clear vision of the opportunity on offer, flexible working and company-driven initiatives like volunteering, mentoring and community engagement.

Current changes to the workplace

Recently there have been significant change in working environments, many of which are going to become the new normal and from a recruitment point of view, expected working practice.

Employers must consider their employees’ opinions and work towards offering them an environment that they will enjoy and can perform in. Many UK organisations are transitioning to flexible and hybrid working to address this.

Article based on LinkedIn Live interview with Joy Lewis, CEO – AAI Employability.