
Growth surge continues at AM Bid Services!

We are delighted to report an outstanding first half of our 2016/17 financial year as demand for our external bidding assistance continues to grow. Turnover for the 6 months was £234k – up 121% on the same period last year – with profits holding steady and a strong pipeline of work. This places AM Bid Services firmly in the “high growth” category.

The past 6 months have seen us take on exciting bid projects in diverse sectors across the UK. This has included providing bidding services for Accountancy, Architecture, Care & Support, City Deal Funding, Cleaning, Construction, Education, Environmental, Housing Maintenance, IT & Telecoms, Legal, NHS, Printing, Transport and Water bids.

We have also seen significant uptake of our Bid Gap Analysis Service – where we review 6 submitted bids and provide an Improvement Report detailing specifically how future bids can be improved into higher scoring responses. One already successful company received 48 improvement suggestions from a single bid review!

Our new clients now include some EU companies who are bidding for contracts in the UK public sector. They are benefitting from our extensive knowledge and experience of UK bidding processes.

Other highlights have included an Award win for Student & Graduate Recruitment and 2 short-listings for High Growth and Director of the Year with our local Chambers of Commerce. We are also immensely proud of our sponsorship of Josh Quigley, the Tartan Explorer – a 24-year old suicide survivor who undertakes Cycling Challenges to raise awareness of suicide prevention and mental health issues among young people.

The next 6 months will see us take on more staff to boost our 7-strong team. We are also increasingly being invited to pass on our expertise at conferences and events. For example, Andrew Morrison is sharing a platform with Simon Weston CBE at the APMP UK Symposium in Manchester on the 6th June. This year’s Symposium Theme is Success Before Submission. We return to Manchester at the end of June as speakers at both the Chartered Institute of Housing’s Annual Conference & Exhibition and a Breakfast Seminar Event as guests of Hatch Recruitment.

The highlight of the first half of our year was the appointment of David Sole OBE as our Non-Executive Chairman. Our business is already gaining significant benefits from David’s mentoring, coaching, challenge and contacts. Commenting on the current growth figures, David said: “The rapid growth of AM Bid Services has been down to the hard work and excellent service that the organisation offers their clients – large and small. As bidding processes become ever more complex, so the demand for assistance continues to rise and AM Bid Services is very well placed to capitalise on this demand, given their outstanding reputation. I am now looking forward to helping the team develop a strategy to ensure that growth continues at scale over the next 3 to 5 years.”