Picture this…
You’ve been working hard for 20 days completing a bid. You’re confident that you’ve answered all the client’s questions. You congratulate yourself for staying calm and for all the extra time outwith your working hours you spent getting it completed.
30 days later, the bid feedback comes in… unfortunately you’ve not won on this occasion and the feedback is similar to what you’ve received on previous bids.
If you’re in the situation where you’re getting told time and again from clients in feedback:
‘You haven’t provided enough detail on how
you would actually deliver the service for us’
Our advice would be to… STOP! You need an external Bid Gap Analysis Review to help improve your prospects of crossing the winning line next time.
What is a Bid Gap Analysis Review?
A Bid Gap Analysis Review is an in-depth examination of your recent bid submissions. It compares your responses against both the client requirements and our specialist knowledge of current trends within bidding.
This Review will provide you with specific recommendations to help you prepare for future submissions.
What’s involved in a Bid Gap Analysis Review?
3 steps…
- Assessing the client requirements – e.g. what would their hot buttons be?
- Reviewing your response – did it have clear win themes tied to customer value propositions?
- Recommendations – we provide clear instruction, guidance and helpful tips on how your submissions can move into the high scoring bracket
What are the benefits of a Bid Gap Analysis Review?
- Clear overview of which documents, graphics and pictures you need to have ready for bid submissions – every time!
- Practical writing tips and assistance on how to tailor and take control of your bid content – ensuring those key winning points for the client are not lost in a sea of text
- Learning how to pose the correct clarification questions to the client so that their answers are incorporated into the bid
- Fresh and informed approach to future bids so you’re more equipped to directly answer the client’s questions based on our assistance
Would a Bid Gap Analysis Review be just the thing to get you ready for your next bid? Why not get in touch with us today? We will be happy to arrange this with you.