
How to look after your wellbeing during a bid – with the seal of approval from Josh Quigley, The Tartan Explorer

In today’s world, we lead increasingly busy work lives. As a result of this, it’s now more important than ever to take care of not only our physical health, but also our well-being so we’re emotionally equipped to manage these demands.

You may ask yourself…

What does looking after your well-being have to do with bidding?

The answer? Everything!

In the bidding world, as an all- important deadline for the bid looms for a non-bid trained person, things can be very frantic, fraught and frustrating because it can in some cases this bid be the make or break for a business’s survival. All the players in this game to impress the buyer need to be on top form.

However, as human beings, we’re not always on top form. Life intervenes with emotional upheaval, financial woes, external influences out-with our control, and it adds to the pressure as you’re working against the clock trying to get this bid in (this academic piece of writing in to grow your business) in order to persuade the buyer you’re the right person to take on board their journey of service delivery.

A journey which has captured AM Bid Services hearts and beyond

We all go through journey’s in life personally and professionally, however, one journey which has mesmerised and captured the hearts over 1,000,000 people is Josh Quigley, The Tartan Explorer who is on a worldwide expedition to raise awareness of mental health and suicide.

AM Bid Services is a proud supporter of The Tartan Explorer. We’re advocates of positive well-being; we genuinely pride ourselves on being a meaningful help to clients during what can be a stressful bid situation.

We’re putting together this very special article with The Tartan Explorer’s seal of approval packed with practical tips on how to look after your well-being during a bid.

Positive Wellbeing Tip 1:

  • Take plenty of breaks

It sounds so simple, but don’t sit and start at the same document over and over again feeling stuck, take a break away from the screen, go a walk and when you take your mind of it and come back refreshed, the ideas will come flowing back.

Positive Wellbeing Tip 2:

  • Eat properly, drink plenty water & exercise

Ensuring that you eat and drink plenty water and exercise can be an afterthought when you’re working away furiously, however it’s so important for helping you to be hydrated and properly fed in order manage stress. As for exercise, Cycling is a great form of exercise which The Tartan Explorer credits for playing a big part in empowering his positive mental wellbeing.

Positive Wellbeing Tip 3:

  • Believe you can and you will

Before even typing a single word on the bid, you need to believe you can do it, and you simply will. It’s amazing what can be created when you’re under pressure. If you believe that you’re going to win, then you will!

Positive Wellbeing Tip 4:

  • Build positive relationships with your co-workers & sharing the load

Bid writing can’t be done in isolation. It’s important to assign and share fairly the bidding workload. Be clear who is to do what, guide and trouble shoot for each other. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.

Positive Wellbeing Tip 5:

  • Sleep!

Sleeping is crucial. Being well-rested for such big projects not only positive for your well-being, being rested reduces risk of making critical errors. Aim to get 8 hours sleep a night to make sure you’re refreshed for the next day.

Over to The Tartan Explorer for a few words…

"Looking after our emotional and mental wellbeing is of critical importance for those in business and the workplace. Over the years the important of these issues has been massively overlooked, leading to millions of workers across the UK absent from work with workplace stress related illnesses.  Thankfully, businesses and work places are starting to wake up to the importance of looking after their employees emotional and mental wellbeing. 

AM Bid Services is a great example of a new and innovative company who is dedicated to the wellbeing of their team and who through this article also aim to educate and inform others whilst going through the process of writing a bid, which can be mentally demanding exercise.”

“On one last note, I just want to say…GREAT work guys, keep it up!”

Asking for assistance is not a bad thing…

We ask you that from reading this article you help our friend, The Tartan Explorer spread the awareness of mental health and suicide prevention.

To pledge your support to The Tartan Explorer please see the following link: